Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine has been practiced in China and other Eastern countries for over 2000 years and is one of the oldest systems of healing in existence and is still part of mainstream healthcare. Acupuncture stimulates and rebalances energetic flows around the body and is used around the world to help alleviate pain and restore balance.
Laura’s clients come to help with both physical and mental wellbeing. Clients come for acupuncture treatments for many different ailments including insomnia, eating disorders, lower back pain, sciatica, neck and shoulder tension, anxiety, fertility, stress management, allergies, digestive problems and many others. The British acupuncture council have an excellent fact sheet listing the benefits and the evidence base for treatments. British Acupuncture Council Research
The most important aspect of healing is the skill of the therapist, the engagement of the client, the relationship between the therapist and client and the care and compassion of the therapist. Laura is an excellent practitioner and a kind, generous and diligent person.
Treatment and booking details
Initial Consultation and Treatment £75 - 1hr
Follow up Acupuncture and/or Tui Na (Chinese pressure point massage) Treatment £65 - 45mins/1hr
No/low income rate £40 for 45mins (2pm-4pm)
Laura is at the Waterloo centre on Tuesdays and Fridays at 34 Colombo Street SE1 8DP and is also at the Covent Garden Centre on Mondays and Wednesdays.
TO BOOK please call 020 8901 6466 or contact Laura on 07939 043580