Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy


Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) is a gentle non-invasive, hands-on session for the whole body. Performed on a massage table, the client is fully clothed and the practitioner touch is light and still. The session focus is to support the inherent health of the whole being, especially the nervous system 


What happens during a session?


After a short chat, you lie fully clothed on a massage bed. After establishing a sense of trust you can begin to settle and relax and, above all, feel safe. This sense of support and trust is paramount for any healing to take place. I will always tell you where I need to place my hands lightly on your head and body. After you have settled, I gently ‘listen in’ with my hands and heart, and although this is not primarily a talking session, I will always communicate with you, encouraging you to let me know what is happening and checking that the contact feels ok. The hands-on part of the treatment usually lasts between 40-50 minutes, and following the session there is always a gentle reorientation before leaving the treatment room.


Who is BCST for?


In my practice I have often found BCST to be of help in treating a wide range of physical and psychological conditions. BCST is for everyone, from babies through to elders.

 It can support,

·       physical aches and pains, 

·       acute and chronic illness, 

·       emotional and mental health, assisting the body to rediscover and develop levels of health, well-being and vitality.

·       Birth dynamics

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a complementary therapy and is a not a substitute for medical care. If you are concerned about your health please also contact your GP.

Find out more and book an appointment

Craniosacral therapy with Hannah

Hannah is at the Waterloo centre on Wednesdays.