Massage and Reiki Healing
Julia’s massage treatments are gentle, nourishing and deeply relaxing. She will hold the space with loving presence and compassion so you can fully relax into your wholeness. She specialises in fertility, menstrual cycle issues, anxiety and stress management.
Being deeply connected to spirit, she will channel the healing that is needed for you in that moment bringing you balance and harmony on all levels - physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Her offerings are intended to be devotional and ceremonial bodywork and include energy healing, sound healing, jade hot stones and a variety or shamanic tools to nourish your body holistically.
Womb and Fertility Massage helps with:
- Endometriosis or PCOS
- Irregular/missing periods
- Trying to conceive/ Fertility Issues/before & during IVF/IUI
- Emotional or sexual trauma
- Menopause/perimenopause
- Postpartum
- Miscarriages & abortions
- Digestive issues (IBS, constipation, bloating etc)
Ayurvedic Head Massage benefits:
- Decreases stress, anxiety & repetitive thoughts
- Helps with migraines & headaches
- Supports healthy skin & hair growth
- Reduces puffiness around the eyes & face
- Helps with jaw tension & stiffness
- Opens sinuses, less snoring
- Release of shoulder & neck pain
Making a booking and prices
Initial Consultation 90 min £100
Follow Up 60 min £85
Package (4x 60 min) £300
Contact Julia on 07577302035