Herbalist and Naturopath - DipCNM , mANP, mGNC mAMH 

More about Rosana

"I studied at the College of Naturopathic Medicine in London. Born and raised in Brazil, I grew up in a culture where herbal remedies were a natural part of everyday life. 

This early exposure to the healing power of plants sparked a lifelong passion that I eventually turned into a career. Before moving to the UK, I owned and operated a successful restaurant back home, where I combined my love for food with a deep respect for natural wellness.

Upon relocating to the UK, I pursued formal education in Herbal Medicine and Naturopathy at the College of Natural Medicine (CNM). Today, I specialized in treating a variety of physical conditions, illnesses, and allergies through the holistic use of plants, supported by a solid foundation in medical knowledge.

My practice focuses on helping high-performing individuals who are battling depression, stress, and anxiety, often as a result of the immense pressures of their work. Research shows a strong link between depression and a higher risk of inflammatory illnesses such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and heart disease. Unfortunately, many people are unaware of these connections. My goal is to bring awareness and healing to my clients, guiding them towards a balanced and healthier life through natural remedies and compassionate care."

Treatment aims

Naturopathy sessions can help with: 

  • Detoxification
  • Controlling high/low blood sugar levels
  • Diabetes
  • Boosting immunity/vitality
  • Energy levels
  • Stress/anxiety
  • Sleep disorders
  • Women’s conditions (Menstrual cycle, Menopause, PCOS)
  • Men’s conditions (Prostate, Cardiac)
  • Cognitive functions
  • GIT problems (Indigestion, IBS)
  • Urinary tract infections

Treatment costs and booking details

Free with no obligation 20 minutes discovery call to all potential clients.
Consultation is on pay as you go basis. The initial consultation (75 minutes) and a follow-up consultation (30 minutes) is £160- Additionally, herbal remedies for 4 weeks are approximately £60.00

Consultations online and face to face at Breathe-London (Covent Garden and Waterloo)
Clinic phone number 07938930933
Email info@greenwalkerrsclinic.co.uk


Initial Reiki consultation will last approximately 50 minutes and is designed to deeply understand your specific needs. We will start with a brief discussion about your health history, emotional well-being, and any areas of concern you would like to address. The Reiki session itself will involve gentle energy work to help restore balance and promote healing. You will leave feeling more relaxed, centred, and refreshed.

Duration: 50 minutes
Price:  £80.00 per session